Monday, August 17, 2009

...the never ending paperwork...

YIPPEE!!!  Tess's Passport came today!!
...the way we were...
...the way we are!!!
I'll miss her cute Ethiopian passport but I know she feels so great having her passport be the same as the rest of the family...

We finally have Tess's American passport!!  No more getting turned down at the airport like last Christmas when Jeff and the other kids left for Mexico,  and Tess and I went home...We still have not recieved her new birth certificate or her social security # ...but I feel like we are in the home stretch...we finished our 3rd home study with our social worker which is required the first we have to file a report only once a year until she is 18 years old...this adoption paperwork is not for the faint of heart...the child is the easy part!!

1 comment:

Kimber said...

Found your blog! We really enjoyed being in your home. It was a privilege to be there and learn more about Ethiopia and the Bowers. They are amazing! I hope we can connect soon.