Sunday, November 15, 2009

Adoption #2

We have officially opened our new adoption. Our new little daughter has been removed from the waiting child list and is now in our file...WOW. This happened rather quickly and I'm spinning a bit thinking about what the next few months will require. The good news is we found out that our dossier in Addis Ababa is still valid and we do not need to create a new one....this is huge!! We do need a new home study and I-171H. Our first appointment with our social worker is this Wed. so we will find out exactly what we need to re-do. I know we will need new medicals, new fingerprinting and I'm guessing new police clearance. We will be required to complete some hours of training AGAIN including some new training that has been added since Tess's adoption (2 hours of pool safety I heard)...I have been told we are technically a "fast track adoption" becuase of our circumstances but I do not know what that means in terms of time...I guess I'll know more wed...


Lory Howlett said...

Welcome to the fast track! :-)

Nikki said...

Wow, that's fantastic! I can imagine that will really speed things along!


emily v said...

That is so exciting! i love reading your blog and following your sweet family's adventures! Our court date for our baby girl is on November 24th! can't wait to have our ethiopian beauty home.

best wishes!!

Emily V.

tooters in blue said...

how exciting!!! thats amazing!! good luck!