Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Here is our garden when we started...
and here it is now!!! We have so much great stuff that it's almost too much!!  This planter has beets, peppers, potatoes, green squash, yellow squash and a watermelon plant. (we may have over planted...)our other planter has beets, lettuce, spinach, asparagus and tomatoes.
fresh spincah for dinner!!

Our garden is thriving to say the least! Tess and Cameron have been so good about picking the snails off our veggies so we don't have to use any chemicals.  I actually went out and picked lettuce and spinach today and came in and made a salad!!  I'm so proud of the kids.  They are really vigilant about their garden and go out there everyday to see what grew overnight and how big the squash are...

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