Tuesday, September 1, 2009

AWE INSPIRING is an understaement!!!

Louis called a couple of months ago to ask if we would host another dinner for CWA on Aug 27th. The timing was not great for us because we had friends visitng from Portugal for 10 days and we would be arriving that afternoon from our ranch in Utah...but as he went on to explain that it was Stephne and Harry who would be the guests( she runs 3 of the CWA  orphanages in Ethiopia (including the one Tess came from, and they remembered each other!! and Harry is a Dr. with MMI a  NGO medical organization like Doctors without borders).  So of course we said we would be thrilled to have them over.  Louis also invited a lovely couple that are in the process of adopting a little boy from CWA and live near by...
And so began one of the most amazing, intersting, inspirational evenings I've ever had!!  The work that Stephne and Harry do is beyond heroic.  They live in Soddo with their 2 kids (adopted from Russia).  Stephne and an Ethiopian gentleman (forgot his name) basically rescue children and  newborns from death everyday!!  And Harry runs the medical clinic and eye clinic in Soddo.
A beautiful example that she gave was that last thanksgiving instead of a turkey on their table, they had 4 Ethiopian newborns that had been found that week...(1 was the child of a 13 year old girl that gave birth and bled to death!)...the stories captured every part of my being and really has planted a seed in me ... I will without a doubt go stay with them and help with these babies.  She said mostly she needs people to "hold and love on" the babies.  They had photos to go along with each of the babies stories...just amazing...I can't put it into words how powerful it was.

It was so touching that she and Tess remembered each other.  This beautiful woman helped love and take care of Tess and many others just like her until these kids can be loved by a family of their own...

They let us know that their needs are many...I will be sending them supplies directly to the Soddo medical clinic if you are interested in joining me please let me know...if anyone cares to follow their story their blog is...www.thebowersinafrica.blog.com

1 comment:

Kimber said...

A night I will hold close in my heart for a long time. Beautiful people, beautiful fellowship.