Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Keep thinking about Harry and Stephne...

These are photos off the Bowers blog...much needed supplies arrive in Soddo!  Stephne said she cried!!
the marketplace after a is so dry there...
more marketplace pics after the fire...
The opening of the medical clinic...

...Harry is from Ohio and Stephne is from South Africa.  They were on a mission trip in Ethiopia when they ran into -BY COINCIDENCE!!- the founders of CWA, Tomilee and Bob, who were there to close the orphanages in the south because they had no one to run them...COINCIDENCE...I think not!!  They agreed on the spot to move their family from Ohio to Soddo Ethiopia (3 years ago) to run the orpahnages in the south.  What a lesson for us all to be open to what God has instore for us...

Harry told us they have electricity 3 days a week on a good week...this means no refridge since power is unreliable...this means no meat or dairy can be stored.  They live mostly off the veggies they grow themselves!!  They have 2 children that help them with the ethiopian children they take!! wow!! and double wow!!  Can you imagine your 12 year old caring for and leading groups of kids in lessons from the bible??

I am working on a list of their immediate needs which I will post and ask you to mail to me or drop off if possible.  We will be organizing supplies to them so they can better care for these babies, children and care givers.  I knew there was a reason that we were called to Ethiopia instead of China...God had a plan for Jeff and I to come alongside all these amazing people we are meeting and help these beautiful kids...

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