Friday, September 18, 2009

"Small is the new BIG"

I read this article in OPRAH magazine and it really struck a chord with me.."small is the new big".  The article was about how small things can make a big difference...I couldn't agree more!  How funny that the article would come out right after Jeff and I decided to do our well project through WATERCHARITY. Such a small thing yet it can have such a BIG impact on the families who will have access to clean water!  

This is a photo of our sweet friend DOROTHY...whose small works have had BIG results!! At 70 plus years old, she makes trips to South Africa-alone- to help orphaned street kids.  She has taken guns and glue out of these kids hands and put a bible in their hands instead.  She has a home for 40 street boys in South Africa that she has set up and funds through her own efforts. She hired 3 adults to run it so she can come back to the US to fundraise and then goes back to her "boys".  Her stories are AMAZING!!  She says she can go into unstable areas alone and help these boys and men because she is unthreatening!!  They have never seen a white woman with long white hair!! She said "they think I am some kind of angel-HAHA"  Little does she know she is!!  She is a one woman powerhouse in a sweet little old lady body.  One person can make such a big differnce.  Jeff and Marco have agreed to support her program by matching all her fundraising efforts.  She said in 20 years of fundraising no one has ever offered her that!  I feel so blessed that our company is in a position to do that!!!So now our small jesture can have a big impact too...

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