Monday, July 14, 2008

36 hrs to blastoff!!

We are in the final countdown!!  It's Monday night and we leave Wednesday morning...suitcases are packed (all 6 of them!!), fridge is packed for the boys (they're staying with Jeff's mom we're only bringing Christine), we have chargers and cameras and power bars and Pepto Bismol and assorted other things that we may or may not need. 

 We will spend the first 2 nights in Rome.  We're hoping that will give us a chance to get on a closer time zone and get our feet on solid ground before another long overnight flight.  Our case worker told us when we arrive sunday morning we need to be ready to "hit the ground running".  We're told we drop off our bags and go straight to the orphanage to get Tess.  We are completely buzzing with excitement, anticipation, adrenaline and every God given emotion imagine what sweet Tess must be feeling!!  

We travel a lot but nothing could have prepared us for this.  It is the unknown and our greatest Leap of Faith ever. 
"Let us not love with words or tongues, but with actions and truth" 1John 3:18