Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ethiopian Food...YUM!

We had such a great day!  Cameron and I went up to L.A. to meet a group of families that has adopted from Ethiopia. (Jeff and Christine are still in CHina)  We met in "Little Ethiopia" at an ethiopian restaurant.  First of all the food was delicious-our first time trying it!!  Cameron got a kick out of eating without utensils!!  But the greatest part were all these beautiful Ethiopian children who were running around playing...so happy!! It will be a nice support system for Tess. There was a lovely Ethiopian man who had adopted 2 girls. He was so helpful. His name is Tseiga and he taught me my first amharic words!! He also told me  that her full  name TESFANESH means "you are hope".  How profoundly beautiful is that!  Tseiga also gave me his contact numbers and told me to call anytime if I needed him to translate anything for Tess! Thank you God because I know these things are not happening by accident!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My roommate made me try ethiopian food the other day. It was SOOOOO good!

God always puts the right people in our paths when we need them. I love that!