Thursday, July 10, 2008

Do something...

As we meet new friends that are on our same journey and learn their stories, it is really hard to remain unchanged.  I thought it was just me, but Jeff and I had a great conversation recently which really moved me and made me feel that I am not changing alone...
We have been planning to build a pool.  We had plans drawn up last year.  The pool subject recently came up and Jeff said " you know, with the money it will cost us to put in a pool, we could build an orphanage". Read that again!!
  It made me feel so happy to hear him say that.  I have been quietly dealing with all these emotions stirred up by these children we are learning about. It was great to hear him open his heart and reveal that he too has been moved! ...and we haven't even been to Tess's orphanage yet. I'm telling you, it is impossible to remain the same once you know...  
So to all our friends and family, be just may be invited on a mission trip to Africa to build an orphanage.  Don't say I didn't warn you because we're bringing all of you on this journey with us!!!