Monday, August 4, 2008

Sweet Christine!!

Saying things are an emotional whirlwind around here is an understatement...while we've all been so wrapped up in bringing Tess home, our sweet Christine has been busy packing her bags!!  Everyday I have to walk by the boxes and suitcases at the top of the steps that are ready to be shipped to SMU (Southern Methodist University in Dallas).   I'm trying to stay busy and not face the fact that my first baby is moving out!  I'm not sure what's more emotional-the one coming or the one going!!  No wonder I feel exhausted!!
...but I sleep soundly knowing what an amazing girl she is!  She has been pure JOY since day 1 .  She is just going to bloom at college and we are so very excited to watch it happen and be a part of it!!  I wish she was closer but I know this is the perfect place for her!! I love that God is with her and will be at her side the whole time we are not.  
God Bless you sweet Christine Jellybean!!  Now I need to go get a tissue...