Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a moment...

Yesterday I was getting dressed in my walk-in closet,  when Tess came in and started talking to Jeff.  He was at his sink getting ready.  This is the conversation I overheard...
"Dad,  you picked good wife"
"I know, Tess, I have a good wife and you have a good mom"
" She is good mom.  She know lot of things."
"Yes, we are very lucky aren't we"
And with that, she walked out just as she had walked in.  I stood there for a second and thought that was a precious moment.  I wonder what she was doing that made her think of that and she came upstairs to talk to Jeff about it.  Very insightful of her to get that he picked a wife...I thought that was interesting.  She is such a bright girl.

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