Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why am I not surprised!@#$%!!

Once again Tess has amazed us all.  She was sking Blue runs by her 4th day!!  She went to ski school for 4 days at Deer Valley.  On the last day we kept her with us and we all skied together.  We were with other families who had kids that have been skking for 4 years and Tess beat them down EVERY time!  She was absolutely amazing!!  She just gets it!...and she so badly wanted to keep up with her brothers and the big kids that she jsut went for it.  On one run I thought she was going too fast and a bit too straight down, so I tried to catch up to stop her...WELL, it took me 3/4 of the run to catch her!  She just zipped away and she was gone!  It was very cute to watch and she really loves skiing.  She was always upset at the end of the day when the mountain closed and we had to go home...of course she wants to know when is our next rip and when  we are skiing again!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun vacation!

I have a question for you - I'm about to order some TOMS and I remembered that Bennett was doing an internship. I wondered if there was a way to order them so that Bennett got any kind of credit for it - wanted to help him out if I could. Just let me know! I'll probably order this afternoon.