Sunday, October 19, 2008

Addis Ababa to New York City...

Tess, Chrisitne and I spent an amazing day in New York City.  The weather was a beautiful 78 degrees with a clear blue sky!!  How lucky for October!!  We started our day having breakfast with friends and then headed out to take on Manhattan!! Tess was not overwhelmed at all!  Her fist word when she looked up at a skyscraper was "SCARY!!"  but then as we walked around and I explained that people worked and lived in those buildings, she understood.  

Tess thought the taxi was funny because we all sat in the back...she also loved that I would raise my hand and they would stop.  She then became the designated cab hailer!!
Tess's first serious shopping experience...Bloomingdales with her sister -the shopping pro!!  
Taking a rest on a stoop- down in Soho. We walked around there for hours!! It also happened to be my birthday, October 13th!!

Tess and Christine in a taxicab...
A natural New Yorker already!!
Shopping with mom down in Soho...she just loved seeing everything!  I guess I've done a great job of teaching her how shopping works!!  She did not hesitate to ask for something everywhere we went!
I could not have had a better birthday than to spend the day in the city with my daughters.  Tess was a trouper because Christine and I are like the energizer bunnies when we get to New York City!  We had breakfast with Rachel and Josie, Lunch with my high school friends Sara and Tina and dinner with our great friends Lenny and Vickey...we did not have a quiet  minute and Tess hung in there! Just imagine what she took in!  I wish we could communicate a bit more so she could really express herself and what she thought of it all.  
During our flight out, she kept looking out the window and asking if the land below was Africa...I explained that all the land we saw was America...and everywhere we were going to go was America, but different states...but what does that really mean to a little Ethiopian child who has only been here 10 weeks?...what did she understand?...if nothing else, she now knows how to hail a taxi!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Your family is just gorgeous...and that Tess! BEAUTIFUL girl! I have tears in my eyes seeing her home, happy and in your family.

God bless you all! Please give Tess a hug from our little Meron!

laura hoffman