Friday, October 24, 2008

It is with a very sad heart that I enter this blog.  Our sweet beloved grandma Ann (Jeff's mom) passed away yesterday.  
I think God was smiling when he brought her into everyone's life...He was saying
"this treasure of mine will touch so many people in so many different ways...they will be blessed"  And how blessed we were!!  She was the definition of genuine caring and love.  She lived for her kids and grandkids-all 15.  Her love and dedication are something I will strive for the rest of my life.  She was a true servant, doing God's work.  I cannot begin to list all her accomplishments and involvements as it would be an endless list.  The ripple that has gone through our community and the names from the past that have come forward to share their story of how Ann changed their life has been amazing.
One of her friends wrote..."Sometimes life's most influential loving people are probably not aware of the things they teach and the lives they touch.  You are an inspiration to everyone who was blessed enough to know you."
Grandma Ann will be SO greatly missed.  She would ask each of us to fax her each grandkids sport schedule so she could create a master schedule to make it to as many games as possible.  She was always disappointed when she had to miss one due to an overlap...Now she will never miss another grandchilds soccer game or football game.  She will be with all of us all the time.

1 comment:

fungaga said...

Bonitas palavas as tuas. Fiquei a pensar que a Tess teve a sorte de ainda conhecer as duas avós, o que é uma benção. Um beijinho grande para vocês.