Tuesday, March 17, 2009

CWA adoption advisor!!

We had such a nice dinner with Bob and Tomilee Harding (center in photo)- the founders of CWA.  Louis Fawcett, the director was out with the Hardings in San diego and we planned dinner at our house on their last night in town.
It was really an honor to meet  them and learn about their story.  They adopted 2 girls from Paraguay back in the early 80's when international adoption did not really exsist as we know it.  Tomilee spent 4 months in Paraguay to finalize their adoptions.  While she was there she helped many other families complete their adoptions and she realized she had been called to serve in this capacity.  She returned and told Bob that they were going to help people adopt orphans...the rest is history. They have worked and built facilities in over 20 countries and dedicated their lives to this amazing cause.  They now have 5 facilities in Ethiopia and are in the process of building a pilot facility called "ACACIA VILLAGE"  which I have talked about before.  It will house 250 orphans - they just started moving dirt in Addis Ababa!!.  What's amazing is that Tess was at the ground breaking ceremony of Acacia Village before we were even matched with her and now we are involved with the project.  
Christy (AKA Kidus' mom) and I were asked to be adoption advisors for CWA.  The list of responsibilities was quite long but I am really excited about it.  We are going to start training and then we will be running adoption seminars in south county.  I am really looking forward to growing with CWA and working to bring more of these beautiful kids into great families!!

1 comment:

Brad and Christy Sherrell said...

Liz, thank you again for dinner. We were so happy to meet the Hardings and be able to talk about one of our favorite subjects...adoption. I'm looking forward to working as an adoption advisor with you. I think we will be able to help families in the process and get some kiddos home!