Wednesday, March 4, 2009

...a forever journey!!

I'm not sure what I thought this whole adoption journey would actually be like.  The whole thing was a leap of faith and an answer to a calling to do more.  So now that the adoption is over (well, not technically, we are still waiting for our court date to re-adopt in the USA to make Tess a US citizen) anyway, now that the adoption is over...why don't I feel done?  I am forever reading other adoption blogs, checking the waiting children lists and google-ing all things Ethiopian!  I just look at beautiful Tess and think of how many more just like her there must be...and really, it just isn't that hard.  I do not feel overwhelmed at all...I actually feel like it has been relatively easy (thanks to Tess).  Oh, we have our moments, but they are just moments like those I have with Cameron or Bennett.  Who knows...I just keep reading and learning and we'll see where the Lord leads us next...

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