drive everyone around in the picture
and go for long walks with the dogs!!
She is very observant. As you can see she draws at about a 3-4 year old level. There are certain things we find she can be developmentally behind on and then others she seems way ahead of herself. It's so fascinating to me. Her teacher and I talk almost everyday. We find her behavior is similar at home and at school. Her teacher is finding she is quite needy. She wants to stay with her, by her side all the time, instead of going to play with the other kids. She is the same at home. ALWAYS at my side. This seems normal to me so we are just trying to encourage her and give her ideas of other things she can do.
Things we are observing...She is just terrible with paint. Everything ends up a big brown blob...I would guess she probably never painted before. Crayons are better and I know they had crayons at the orphanage. She is great orally repeating the alphabet and numbers, but does not know what they represent or are used for. We are just starting to get that letters have sounds and form words...this was abstract to her. Again, I think there was no real formal teaching so all of this is totally new to her. Math seems to be going fairly well. We save all our corks from wine bottles which are now my math counters when we do math homework (I knew they'd be handy for something). They work great for addition and has really helped her. She brought home her first library book and did not know why she had to give it back. I guess libraries are a funny was hard to explain to her-still not sure she gets what it is...