Sunday, September 28, 2008

Little Ethiopia playdate

We have joined a great group of families that have adopted kids from Ethiopia.  We meet once a month in Little Ethiopia in Los Angeles.  It's called Messob Playdate.  The kids are so cute together.  There is a lovely couple that are Ethiopian and adopted from Ethiopia.  Tseiga (the dad)  teaches the kids Ethiopian games and songs.  One time he did a skit and Cameron was the Ethiopian shephard.
There is a great Ethiopian market here that we can get injera (the basic ethiopian bread) to bring home for Tess.

A mom at the play group shared her story about her daughters adjustment period.  The girls have been home 1 year and spoke such great english that people don't know the girls are African.  She said her daughter also started 1st grade a year ago and now is completely american.  I know that is our goal, but part of me loves Tess' accent and cute pronunciation.  I'm loving watching her learn and explore everything...part of me wants her to always be a beautiful african little girl!!  I'm thinking that won't happen since her favorite TV show is...
SPONGE BOB !!!  Can you believe it!!
This was Tess's first time eating injera and doro wat since we have been back.  She was so happy and ate so much that she complained of a stomach ache when we were done with lunch!  We held off letting her know Ethiopian food was available here in America since we were having some trouble in the beginning getting her to eat.  Now that she eats a pretty big variety of food we thought it was a good time to let her know that we will try to make the playdate each month and she can eat her beloved injera to her hearts content.
Tseiga teaches Tess and Jeff a traditional Ethiopian children's game.  Jeff had to say the words to the game in Amharic....lets just say Tess is doing way better with her english than her dad is doing with his Amharic!!
Cameron is always a hit with all the kids!! They just love him.  One little one asked him " why is your hair so white??"

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