Sunday, September 21, 2008

you go girl...

You have to understand how typical this is for Tess...we arrive at the Wavehouse for Cameron's party.  The waves in the pool are very intimidating!  I did not get Tess a wrist band because I never dreamed that she would go in.  She has been improving on her comfort level when in the water but...SHE CANNOT SWIM!!  She is up to putting her face underwater and making swim strokes with her hands.  She can maybe do 3 strokes but then pops right up.  She just continues to amaze us with her determination and plain old GUTS!!  She insisted we get her a wrist band which allows the kids to go in the wave pool.  She did not even hesitate..she jumped right in and did great.  
I got a new video camera and have some great footage of her..I'm still figuring out how to get footage onto the blog so bear with's coming.


Erica said...

Thank you for stopping by our blog! Its so nice to "meet" you. Your family is beautiful, congratulations on your new daughter, she looks like a total sweetie! I look forward to following along on your blog.

Nikki said...

She is adorable. I am really looking forward to reading more of your blog. I am going to Ethiopia to volunteer in feb. and hope to eventually adopt from there a few years down the road.
