Thursday, September 11, 2008

...for Tess

Tess, this post is for you even though you will not be able to read it for some time.  I just wanted to put down how I am feeling right now on our journey are absolutely amazing to me!! I have to stop sometimes and remind myself that you are only 7.  You seem so wise and strong for your years.  You have the most incredibly happy spirit!  And I can only imagine the very grown-up life experiences that you have already had...
You have been really making us laugh and learn with your fun personality..."are you seriously, mom"...It's great that you use every new word you hear...I guess you figure eventually you'll learn what it means...I love how you are always up for everything.  I'll explain what we are going to do and you always ask..."fun?"  It's all you need to know and you're all in!!  
Many times I wish we had a language that we both understood because I can feel that you have so much you want to share and tell me and we both just look at each other and smile...our day will come. 
 I love that you ask for what you want...sometimes it drives me a little crazy (like when you pitched a little fit because you wanted what Cameron had-surf wax for his surf board) I always try to explain that some things the boys have-you just plain don't need, but you always let me know that you want one too...whatever it may be!!  Just between you and me, I think that's a great quality to have...we call it the squeaky will serve you well!! 
 I feel so proud to introduce you as my daughter.  You are a shining light.  Everyone always comments on how beautiful you are and happy you always are.  That is such a gift, Tess. I feel so LUCKY and very blessed that you are smart...does that sound odd?  I just feel such relief in knowing that you are smart enough to figure things out and  knowing that you will be a star.  Like when you pointed to the TV and told me you will play a sport on TV..."Tess sport TV play"  I have NO doubt that you will, since you scored 4 goals at you first soccer practice!  You want to do everything well and you want to do it now!  Within a month of being in water for the first time in your life, you put your head under water and swam 5 strokes!  We couldn't believe you were swimming so fast!
And off to school you went!  Not even enough english to form a sentence!! but you smiled and happily said" bye, mom!".  By the second week you had a best friend and a play date!!  Your very own friend, Greta!  The one thing you kept asking me for..."Tess friend no??"  
I knew in my heart this was going to be an amazing journey, but I had no idea just how amazing it could be!!  We are so happy you are Tess Jonas! and cannot wait to watch you continue to grow -in your new country and in your new family...and to watch your funny surprises  everyday!! God has really blessed us both! Love you always!!  OXOX   mom

1 comment:

fungaga said...

Tenho acompanhado o teu blogue a vossa maravilhosa aventura, mas ainda não tinha conseguido vir aqui deixar um comentério.

Um grande beijinho para a nossa nova prima, que é linda, e que a vida lhe conserve essa alegria contagiante que transborda até nas fotografias.

E obrigada pelo teu blogue.