Saturday, September 6, 2008

juice boxes 101...

I thought I'd pass along some of Tess's funny comments and doings this week.  It was her first week of school and she was a tro0per!  The first day I picked her up she said "mom, school too big, Tess no, food school good no, hungry" (she speaks exactly like that...single words all run together...but it now makes perfect sense to me!!)   Which meant "mom school was too long for me.  I didn't like being there that long and on top of that the food was bad and I didn't eat it and now I'm so hungry!!"
So the next day I sent her with some snacks...a banana, box of raisins and a juice box (which I failed to clearly explain)  She must have had some at recess and tried to save the rest for when I picked her up we had...mashed banana all over the inside of her backpack and  books , raisins all over the bottom of the backpack and she put a half finished juice box in her backpack which of course spilled all over her stuff and made the mashed banana and raisins-wet and soupy...yikes!!  it was such a mess...but totally my fault. I thought it was hilarious...She just doesn't have any experience with these things and doesn't really have a concept of how they work.  I just love watching her learn things...
The next day I picked them up from school, got them an ice cream cone and took them swimming.  At the pool she was putting her ice cream cone in her bag to save for after she got out of the pool (which is usually about 2 hours later)...I had to explain that ice cream is a "right now" food and that she can't save it in 80 degree heat... Anyone know how to say "melt"in Ethiopian Amharic???
The following morning on our way to school she was trying to explain her dream to me. It went something like this..."mom, Tess sleep cameron yes bennett going mom car no. me going yes vroom car no cameron funny mom going, Tess wake up yes."  Your guess is as good as mine on that one.  I let her talk it out and then said ..."great Tess, that's called a dream."  I wonder what she got out of that exchange?!@#$%

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